Sunday, January 23, 2011

Starten and Garten ;)

For years I have been wanting to start a garden. I would often think back to childhood memories of my grandfathers garden in Connecticut. Of course as a child I wasn't interested in the vegetables as much as the snakes, frogs and newts I would find among the plants. As an adult I love the vegetables as much as the critters. I would always talk myself out of starting a garden. It always came down to money. I couldn't see spending huge amounts of money on the proper dirt, the plants and the fencing needed to make a go of it. If I am being perfectly honest I didn't want to read any books on gardening or figure out what "zone" I was in. Whatever that means. It finally hit me that all of these years I have been waiting for a GARDNER! Ah yes. Not gonna happen.

Two weeks ago I bought seeds. Oregano, basil, parsley, endive, catnip, thyme and rosemary. I planed the rosemary (because I heard it is really hardy) and catnip in pots and set them inside. My daughter, Addy, was very excited to help and every day we checked to see if there were any sprouts. A week later we had sprouts! You would think we won the lottery. I was ecstatic and my husband was proud (and probably a little surprised). Addy was happy but didn't know what all of the fuss was about. That inspired me to plant the rest of the seeds and I even planted a dead rosemary plant I had had in the summer in the backyard. Hey I figured lets see what happens. The scratch I threw in the backyard for the chickens actually sprouted (with absolutely no help from me!) and grew a few corn stalks.

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