Sunday, April 7, 2013


It seems like every year in March or April we have warm sunny weather and then wake up to a huge amount of snow.  I was able to go snowshoeing before it all melted.   It is so beautiful.  In all of  the photos there is so much snow that you cannot see the red rocks in the background.

Art - Bubblewrap Jewelry and a Dream Tree

Addy and I found a cool way to re-purpose bubble wrap.  If you use parchment paper and an iron you can melt the bubble wrap sheets together and they eventually form a flat plastic sheet that resembles mother-of-pearl.  Check out the link here there is a book called Jewelry Upcycled! by jewelry expert and bestselling author Sherri Haab.

Addy helping to iron the bubble wrap
Trying to create a rustic display for pendants

Ready mix concrete for dream tree

Dream Tree to be decorated with pendants & baubbles